To commemorate the new opening of “Jinbocho Ichinoichi” in Nagoya, “BOOK UAMOU Nagoya ver.” will be sold exclusively in the store from Thursday, June 15th, 2017!
Its coloring is reminiscent of Nagoya castle, consisted of stone wall, mortar wall, verdigrised roof, and on top of them, those pair of golden dolphins!
Because of Nagoya castle’s popularity, there are a lot of miniature series of it, but we believe this Uamou is the cutest model!
Not only they sell this special item, but they also sell various Uamou goods as they do in some other “Ichinoichi” shops in Ikebukuro, Tokyo Soramachi, Gransta Marunouchi, Sagami Ono.
We’re happy if this makes you easier to access to Uamou !
Jinbocho Ichinoichi Nagoya
TEL: 052 (566) 6811
Opening hours: 10: 00 a.m. ~ 9: 00 p.m.
『BOOK UAMOU 名古屋ver.』登場!!
神保町発信の雑貨店『神保町いちのいち』名古屋店オープンを記念し、名古屋城の金のしゃちほこ・屋根・壁・石垣を思わせるようなカラーリングの『BOOK UAMOU 名古屋ver.』が登場!! 2017年6月15日(木)から名古屋店限定で販売いたします!
池袋店・東京ソラマチ店・グランスタ丸の内店・相模大野店などでもお取り扱いいただいているように、名古屋店でも『BOOK UAMOU 名古屋ver.』以外の様々なウアモウグッズもお取り扱いいただきます。