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May brings us the colour Electric Green! We have released Uamou and Fortune Uamou in this vivid colour and they are currently featured in our store display. Also, Red Cosmic Uamou & Boo make their debut in the “Uamou Galaxy Series” hand painted by Master Goto. Please come visit us to have a look at these exciting new colour ways!  Lastly we feature an Uncut Fortune Uamou Mold signed and decorated by Takagi Ayako which is currently on sale in our Studio Store .



UAMOUとFORTUNE UAMOUの新色エレクトリックグリーン!!!そして、後藤さん彩色の新色レッドコズミックUAMOU!!!STUDIO UAMOUにて販売中!!!最後には今月は金型から引き抜いたままのフォーチュンウアモウソフビ(1点ものドローイング入り)です。