Studio Uamou is opening the vault !
2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN, the artisinal shopping gallery where you can find our store is normally closed on wednesday, but this month on the 25th of January it will be open for a fantastic outlet sale and Studio Uamou will participate as well! Apart from our discounted items we will be having a very special sample sale where you will be able to find rare and unreleased items directly from our archive !
People who are planning to come visit our sample sale should note the rules listed below. should note that access will be granted by invitation only. Please drop by our store to receive your special invitation!
January 25, 2017 (Wed)
12:00 ~ 20:00
(The reception at the entrance of 2k540 will open at 12:00)
※To avoid confusion during the opening of the event, we ask those who wish to enter in our special sample sale to gather at the gate near STUDIO UAMOU at 12:00 (the gate located right next to our store on the east side of the gallery.) Please do not gather at the 2k540 service center entrance.
※We will hand out admission tickets at 12:05. Once you have received your tickets please follow the staff’s instructions, and proceed to the 2k540 service center entrance for registration.
※ The admission ticket is only valid for the person who draws the admission ticket. You are not allowed to hand over your admission ticket to somebody else or make an exchange. If we notice that an admission ticket has been transferred or exchanged we shall make that admission ticket invalid and admission to the sample sale will be denied.
※ Please follow the attendant’s instructions at all times. When it is your turn to enter the sample sale please show your admission ticket to the attendant.
※ In order to prevent fraud and theft, we reserve the right to photograph visitors during the exhibition. Please note that the pictures will not be used for any other purposes except to identify possible frauds.
※ Only visitors who have received a special invitation will be allowed to enter.
※ During the event all entrances to 2k540 will be closed off except for the 2k540 service center entrance (located on the east side of the gallery.)
※ Admission is by invitation only. Please present your invitation at the main entrance. (You will be able to bring your friends or family on a single invitation.)
※ Depending on the situation we might limit the number of purchases per visit.
※ Sample sale items do not qualify for stamps on the Uamou Super Best Friend Card.
日頃より2k540でお買い物をしてくださっているお客様のために、1年に1日だけ、休館日の水曜日に開催する「お得意様 特別ご招待会」の季節がやって参りました!
STUDIO UAMOUではアウトレットを中心としたサンプルセールを開催します!(リアルウアモウ・フォーチュンキャット・イムイムウアモウ、などの販売はございません)
2k540 お得意様特別ご招待会
12:00 ~ 20:00
※開場時の混乱を避けるため、STUDIO UAMOUご入店希望の方は、STUDIO UAMOU近くのゲート(当日は閉まっております)に12:00にお集まりください(2k540運営推進センター前には集まらないでください)。
12:05に入店順を決める整理番号抽選を予定しています。係員の指示に従い整理番号順に、2k540の受付・STUDIO UAMOUへの入店をお願いいたします。抽選番号の譲渡・交換はしないでください、ご本人様以外は無効です。(不正防止のために待機列の映像を撮影させていただくことがあります、ご了承ください)
※ご招待者のみご入場いただけます。2016年12月より2k540各店舗およびSTUDIO UAMOU店舗にてお買い物をされたお客様にお渡ししている「お得意様 特別ご招待会」の御案内状をご提示の上ご入場ください。(ご案内状のみのお渡しや郵送はしておりません。)