

Established in 2011, STUDIO UAMOU is mainly known in the vinyl toy scene for its endless variety of colourful UAMOU and BOO figures, the studio shop also carries a wide variety of fashionable items, such as pocket mirrors, bags and more. On occasion the studio transforms from a shop into an art gallery or even a live music venue. STUDIO UAMOU has worked on various collaborations including BEAMS, TSUBURAYA PRODUCTIONS, HAKONE OPEN AIR MUSEUM and many others. Come find the studio shop at 2K540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN near Akihabara station, we’re open from 11:00 till 19:00 (closed on Wednesdays).


Ayako Takagi’s goal is to expand the world of UAMOU through picture books, figures, animation and jewellery, bridging the gap between the character movement and art/design. From a young age she was greatly influenced by her parents who were both jewellers. Growing up in a creative environment, Ayako had always been interested in drawing and making things. Whilst studying in London she started making and selling UAMOU products throughout Europe. After graduating from Camberwell College of Arts she moved back to Japan where she is working as an artist and designer on the international stage.

Ayako loves toys, chocolate and cats (but is also fond of dogs) and you can find her on twitter.


2011年に設立。UAMOUとBooのソフビフィギュアを中心に、グッズやアート作品などのコレクションも展示・販売。アトリエショップは、ギャラリースペースやライブ会場としても使用される。BEAMS、円谷プロダクション、箱根彫刻の森美術館、その他様々なコラボレーションを展開。店舗のある2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISANは秋葉原と御徒町の間の高架下にあり、11:00から19:00まで営業(水曜定休)。


代表作「Uamou From Another Planet (-遠い星からやってきたウアモウ-)」東京都台東区生まれ。 ジュエリー職人の両親に多大な影響を受けて、幼少の頃からものづくりが身近な環境で育つ。東京都立工芸高等学校デザイン科を卒業後、渡英しLondon College of communicationに入学。その後、Camberwell College of Arts BAを卒業。 在学中からヨーロッパを中心に、キャラクターUAMOUの製作販売を始める。 絵本、フィギュア、アニメーションを通して世界観を表現し、アートとデザインを軸にキャラクターの可能性を追求する。
