The previously released iPhone Book Case Collection produced in collaboration with FewMany sold out in a very short amount of time, leaving many interested people in want for their very own.
We are happy to announce that we have restocked both the Diamond and Puzzle themed iPhone Book Case in our Atelier shop and online store so if you missed out the first time around then now is your chance!
Keep your iPhone safe from wear and scratches with this fashionable Book Case featuring Uamou and Boo in two colourful designs! Available for iPhone 6 , this Book Case can be used as a stand and has 3 pockets on the inside for Business Cards etc.
Find the new Colourful iPhone Book Case series in our Atelier Shop or look for them in the UAMOU ONLINE SHOP
大好評により売り切れになっていたBOOK型UAMOU iPhoneケースを再入荷致しました!
UAMOU BOOK型 iPhoneケース
サイズ:約(縦)142x(幅)75x(厚さ)13 mm
対応機種: iPhone 6 / 製造元:FEWMANY
価格: 3900円 (税込)
オンラインショップはこちら UAMOU ONLINE SHOP