We are very happy to announce that we can release “Chicken Boo” again in the year of the rooster!
In addition to white ones, our supporting artist Kayoko succeeded at hatching out Black Chicken Boo for the first time. They will be exclusively available at our Atelier Shop starting this Saturday, July 22nd! Each Boo figure has been carefully customised and comes inside a cute capsule shaped like an egg !
※ Depending on the situation we might limit the number of purchases per visit.
※ Items will be sold as long as stock is available.
ニワトリになったおばけちゃん『黒Chicken Boo』が、酉年の2017年にSTUDIO UAMOU店舗に初お目見え! イベントで販売する度に即完売してしまう白成型のChicken Booも再登場! タマゴカプセルに入れて、7月22日よりお連れ帰りいただけます!
数量限定の『Chicken Boo』を是非チェックしてください!!