We are packed and ready and about to board the plane to Los Angeles for Designer Con 2014!
The beautiful pattern displayed in the pictures above finds its origin at the SOGNI STRANI exhibition. The main theme of the exhibition was “Strange Dreams”. Clear type figures were painted from the inside with a motif that is inspired by dreams and nightmares and thus the Sogno Pattern was born (or dream pattern if you will).
Ayako Takagi used this same technique to create a series of Uamou, Bastard and even Real Uamou in a Red White and Blue colour-way and once the series was done we couldn’t help ourselves but to coin it the American Dream Series.
Come look for American Dream Uamou, Bastard and Real Uamou this year available exclusively at Designer Con! You can find us at booth number 403. Hope to see you there!
Designer Con 2014
November 8-9, 2014
Pasadena Convention Center
Exhibit Hall A & B
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101
Designer Con 2014出展のための準備が整いました!今回の渡米はチームUAMOUを含め総勢11名のメンバーでロサンゼルスに出発です!
SOGNI STRANI(不思議な夢)エキシビションにて発表したソニョ彩色のテクニックを用いて、今回誕生したのがこのアメリカンドリーム彩色です。星条旗の赤、青、白をイメージして制作しました。ひとつひとつハンドペイントのため、すべて異なります。アメリカンドリームシリーズでは「ウアモウ」「バスタード」「リアルウアモウ」を販売いたします。
Designer Con 2014
Pasadena Convention Center
Exhibit Hall A & B
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101