Once a year Sakagami Satoshi organises an event called MY FAMICASE EXHIBITION and Studio Uamou’s creative director Niko Lanzuisi participated again this year with a design carrying an homage to Ayako Takagi’s original characters Uamou and Bastard.
Il Gran Discorso
Bastard is a mischievous kid with no eyes and a big mouth and he likes to talk very much, sometimes by filling up the entire room with his chatter. Take control of Uamou, a pure-hearted alien boy who does not like to be involved in Bastard’s many gossips. Find your way out of the conversation in this action puzzler without hurting Bastard’s feelings!
Each year, designers, videogame lovers and 80′s nostalgics worldwide are invited to submit their own 8 bit Famicom game. Sakagami prints all entries and pastes them on physical famicom cartridges to be exhibited at METEOR in Kichijouji until the end of May.
My Famicase Exhibition
May 2nd (Sat) ~ May 31st (Sun)
13:00 ~ 20:00
Admission: free
Closed on Monday
Tokyo, Musashino-shi, Kichijoji minami cho 1-6-7 2F
「わたしのファミカセ展」 2015 開催中!!
MY FAMICASE EXHIBITIONは年に一度開催される坂上 聡之氏によるエキシビションです。スタジオウアモウのクリエイティブディレクターのニコ・ランズイシも参加!!様々なデザイナーたちがファミコンをテーマに作品を発表しています。吉祥寺にて5月末まで開催中!ぜひご覧ください。
Il Gran Discorso
『わたしのファミカセ展 2015』
展示会場:METEOR 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺南町1-6-7 2F(予定)
Mobileサイト『わたしのファミカセ展 モバイル』
Flashサイト『わたしのファミカセ展 クロニクル』