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Game Paused – Every Day is Play

A snapshot of video game culture past and present, Every Day is Play is the first self-published book project from Game Paused. Capturing a whole generation’s imagination through a series of interviews, features and fan-art, it promises a wealth of creative play—bringing every gamer together in a true celebration of the game.

Studio Uamou’s Creative Director Niko Lanzuisi is a big fan of METEOR, so much so that he makes it a rule to always participates in the FAMICASE exhibition.  It is no surprise that Meteor’s yearly FAMICASE exhibition was featured in “Every Day is Play” because of its celebration of the classic famicom-era label design. What did come as a big surprise though is that a tiny bit of Niko’s copywriting about Meteor made it into the book as well.

We at Studio Uamou are enjoying the book immensely and we would like to congratulate Game Paused with a job well done in curating this amazing snapshot of gaming culture.

Unfortunately the book is sold out on Game Paused’ official site, but if you are interested you might be able to find some final stock on  fangamer.com


ゲームグラフィック本 「Every Day is Play」


現在と過去のビデオゲームの歴史が詰まったGame Paused出版の『Every Day is Play』。スタジオウアモウのクリエイティブディレクター、ニコ・ランズイシはかねてからMETEORの大ファンであり、以前からFAMICASE エキシビション(ファミカセ展)に参加しています。そしてそのFAMICASE エキシビションの作品の数々が『Every Day is Play』で紹介されています。ニコが担当したコピーライティングも掲載されていますのでぜひご覧下さい!

ゲームグラフィックの豪華本『Every Day is Play』にはゲームに魅了された世界中のグラフィッカーの作品が、端正なレイアウトと造本でフルカラー300ページにギッシリ詰まっています。

MY FAMICASE EXHIBITIONは年に一度開催される坂上 聡之氏によるエキシビション。様々なデザイナーたちがファミコンをテーマに作品を発表しています。
