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The popularity of the Hakone Dot Uamou series continues!

Uamou has been available in the gift shop of the Hakone Open Air Museum. The often sought after Hakone exclusive “Dot Uamou” are hand-painted by Ayako Takagi  and we are very happy to see that Dot Uamou has proved to be a very popular item with visitors of the museum. We are sending a new batch of Dot Uamou to the museum this week and we hope you will find them on your travels to Hakone.

The Hakone Open Air Museum is located in the beautiful green pastures of Hakone-machi and comes highly reccomended for people who already have plans visiting the area for its many hot-water springs and onsen resorts. Art blends with nature in this peaceful outdoor sculpture park, where over a thousand works by both Japanese and Western artists are framed by trees, grass and mountains.  It has an impressively wide collection of works made by Pablo Picasso, Henry Moore, Churyo Sato and many others.


Hakone Open-Air Museum

Hakone-machi Ninotaira 1121
Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture




箱根 “彫刻の森 美術館” 限定 DOT UAMOU


彫刻の森 美術館ミュージアムショップにて「ドットウアモウ」「ドットおばけちゃん」シリーズ販売中!!キーホルダーやストラップ、BAGチャームタイプもあり。すべてハンドペイントの一点ものですので、ぜひお気に入りのUAMOUを見つけてくださいね。

販売価格 1500円(税込)


箱根 彫刻の森 美術館は自然と芸術の調和をめざし創設された国内初の野外美術館です。敷地面積は約7万平方メートルと広く、敷地内は季節や天候により様々な姿を見せ、ロダン、ムーア、ミロなど近現代を代表する国内外の巨匠の作品120点余りを散策気分で鑑賞できます。300点余りの多彩なコレクションを順次公開しているピカソ館など5つの室内展示場もあります。


彫刻の森 美術館
神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町二ノ平 1121