台北國際玩具創作大展 (TAIPEI TOY FESTIVAL) Paradise Toyブース(A20-A21)にSTUDIO UAMOUのアイテムが登場します! 『SUNRISE DINO UAMOU』 『FUKUTARO UAMOU (Ruddy ver.)』 『MASKED UAMOU (Kitsune・Tanuki』 『DRUNK MANPUKU UAMOU』 EXCLUSIVE UAMOU AT TAIPEI! Taipei Toy Festival (TTF) has emerged as one of the largest and most prestigious designer toy venues in the world. Each year, TTF invites renowned local and international artists and designers to share their personal experience in toy making with the festival patrons and fans. STUDIO UAMOU was asked by Paradise Toy to create a series of TTF exclusives! In this blogpost we’re giving a sneak peak of the items led by “Sunrise Dino Uamou”, which color-way has been exclusive to Paradise Toy since 2015. If you are attending the festival please come find Paradise Toy at booth: A20-A21! TAIPEI TOY FESTIVAL 2018 Period: October 18th (Thu) – October 21st (Sun), 2018 / 10:00 – 19:00 (closed at 18:30 on the last day) Venue: Huashan1914‧Creative Park Address: Building E2 & M4B, 1F,2F, No. 1, Section 1, Bade Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan Booth: PARADISE TOY (A20-21) #uamou #ttf #ttf2018 #taipeitoyfestival2018 #taipeitoyfestival #金太郎 #ウアモウ #dinouamou #まんぷくウアモウ