絵本『ウアモウとふしぎのわくせい』特典版(ポストカード付きサイン本) 本日9月1日(日)11時よりSTUDIO UAMOU店舗にて販売開始です!! (※高木綾子の在店は予定しておりません) A PICTURE BOOK “UAMOU AND THE MYSTERIOUS PLANET”! ◆Advanced sale at STUDIO UAMOU starts on 11:00, September 1st. If there is a waiting queue at the time of opening, the entrance order will be organized by lottery. Ayako Takagi won’t be at the store. ◆Advanced sale at UAMOU ONLINE STORE starts on 19:00, August 31st but it’s scheduled to be shipped sequentially from September 1st. Note: We won’t take reservations. Both [Special edition (Signed, with postcard)] and [Regular edition (Not signed, No Postcard)] will become on sale at the same time and when [Special edition] will have been sold out, only [Regular edition] would be available.