MINT GID FRANKEN UAMOU & BOO!ミント蓄光のフランケンウアモウ!フランケンシュタインに新鮮なミントをひとつまみ…!?梅雨の足音 間近に迫る今は、ミントの初摘みシーズン!大人気『フランケンウアモウ』『フランケンおばけちゃん』も、熱と湿気のこもる梅雨から夏にぴったりの、爽やかなカラーリングになって登場です!蓄光成型をベースにしており、暗闇で光る様はまるで鬼火のよう。数量限定でのお取り扱いですので、どうぞお見逃しなく!UAMOU ONLINE SHOPwww.uamou.comMINT GID FRANKEN UAMOU & BOO!Franken UAMOU and Franken Boo have been in great popularity since we created them.To prepare for the muggy season to arrive, we just fed them some fresh mint, which is in season right now, and their bodies went green, a mint green!Oops, that was too cute… let’s get him to put on some creepy purple pants to complement his eery glow-in-the-dark body!*Due to the novel coronavirus outburst, there’s global reduction of flights and international shipping from Japan to approximately 200 countries and regions (increased from 160) are currently being delayed or suspended.For this reason, UAMOU ONLINE SHOP will only accept orders for domestic delivery for the time being.Since we’ve received a lot of love and support via orders from people all over the world, it was painful to make this decision, but we believe that it’s irresponsible to continue accepting orders without the ways to ship them.To make up for this, we’re planning to keep upcoming releases separately from the stock for domestic sales, and to sell them when the international shipping becomes smooth so that people who live overseas can order them with relief.