Mr. DUMP: A goof fairy wizard who fails whatever he does. The shape of his wings resembles fly’s alae and that is the lovely feature of him. HELLO: Originally a paper bag that had fallen on the roadside. He was animated by Mr. DUMP’s magic to be his friend.

Mr. DUMP: A goof fairy wizard who fails whatever he does. The shape of his wings resembles fly’s alae and that is the lovely feature of him. HELLO: Originally a paper bag that had fallen on the roadside. He was animated by Mr. DUMP’s magic to be his friend.

Mr. DUMP: A goof fairy wizard who fails whatever he does. The shape of his wings resembles fly’s alae and that is the lovely feature of him. HELLO: Originally a paper bag that had fallen on the roadside. He was animated by Mr. DUMP’s magic to be his friend.

Mr. DUMP: A goof fairy wizard who fails whatever he does. The shape of his wings resembles fly’s alae and that is the lovely feature of him. HELLO: Originally a paper bag that had fallen on the roadside. He was animated by Mr. DUMP’s magic to be his friend.