NEVERMIND UAMOU EXCLUSIVE SYDNEY IS BURNING! UNDERGROUND TOY SHOW! SOFUBI FOR ALL! DEATH TO FLIPPERS! It is no understatement that the sofubi scene in Australia has steadily been growing. Thanks to a small but dedicated group of local aficionados and creators, soft vinyl toys have been increasingly brought to the attention of the public. After “Soft Vinyl Mayhem” in Brisbane and “Soft Vinyl Garden” in Melbourne it is now time for Sydney to have its first sofubi show! “Soft Vinyl Sydney” will be showcasing 30+ artists from around the globe! Including Japan, USA, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Mexico, Thailand & UK. Studio Uamou will participate as well and we have revived an old classic in an all new flavour! A limited run of “Rainbow Nevermind Uamou” will be available during the show. The body is painted by Master Goto and the body and face details have been carefully hand-painted by Ayako Takagi. SOFT VINYL SYDNEY January 21 – January 22 11:00 ~ 17:00 The Lord Gladstone 115 Regent Street Chippendale, Chippendale 2008, Sydney Online sales available after the event. #uamou #sofubi thank you @softvinylsydney !!!