NINJA BABY SERIES RELEASED! These stealthy little warriors are too cute too take seriously as a ninja, and admittedly they aren’t really that stealthy either. But boy are they effective killers when it comes to pure adorableness! Yup you read it right, all new Baby Uamou and Baby Boo series, they are ninjas now, what’s there not to love? Each single one was hand-made by chairoi brown and they come in white, black and red colour-ways. With their headbands and shuriken in hand there is no denying that they are the real deal! Only a limited amount will be made available in our Atelier Shop and Online Store! ◆ Ninja series will be on sale in our Atelier Shop from 11:00 on Sunday, April 30. ◆ Ninja series will be on sale in our Online Store from 13:00 JST on Sunday, April 30 . ※ We may limit the number of purchases per person. ※ Items available while stock lasts. #uamou #茶色いブラウン #ぬいぐるみ #ハンドメイド #忍者

NINJA BABY SERIES RELEASED! These stealthy little warriors are too cute too take seriously as a ninja, and admittedly they aren’t really that stealthy either. But boy are they effective killers when it comes to pure adorableness! Yup you read it right, all new Baby Uamou and Baby Boo series, they are ninjas now, what’s there not to love? Each single one was hand-made by chairoi brown and they come in white, black and red colour-ways. With their headbands and shuriken in hand there is no denying that they are the real deal! Only a limited amount will be made available in our Atelier Shop and Online Store! ◆ Ninja series will be on sale in our Atelier Shop from 11:00 on Sunday, April 30. ◆ Ninja series will be on sale in our Online Store from 13:00 JST on Sunday, April 30 . ※ We may limit the number of purchases per person. ※ Items available while stock lasts. #uamou #茶色いブラウン #ぬいぐるみ #ハンドメイド #忍者