from another planet
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UENO PANDA UAMOU YELLOW! @toy_yamashiroya #上野 #ヤマシロヤ #パンダ #ウアモウ #ソフビ #panda #uamou #yamashiroya
松坂屋上野店『新年企画 えんぎもの』参加中! 2018年1月2日(火)より松坂屋上野店にて開催されている『新年企画 えんぎもの』にて、 松坂屋限定『さくらパンダウアモウ ラバーキーホルダー』と、上野地区限定 『上野パンダフォーチュンウアモウ ピンクver.』を販売中! 大丸・松坂屋の公式キャラクター・さくらパンダのトレードマークである細かな桜模様がぎっしりとプリントされたラバーキーホルダーも、 高木綾子のハンドペイントによるピンクのパンダ柄が目を引く上野パンダフォーチュンウアモウも、要チェックです! 松坂屋上野店 『新年企画 えんぎもの』 期間: 2018年1月2日(火)- 1月9日(火) 場所:松坂屋上野店 地下1階(パルコヤ側) 「上野が、すき。ステーション」内 営業時間:10:00~20:00(松坂屋上野店に準じます) 電話:03(383291111 “ENGIMONO” @MATSUZAKAYA UENO STUDIO UAMOU is participating the event that celebrates the new year which has been held at Matsuzakaya Ueno Department Store since January 2nd! At the event space you’ll find things that are said to bring good luck like a beckoning cat. We prepared “Sakura Panda Uamou Rubber Keyring” and “Ueno Panda Fortune Uamou Pink ver.” for this event. The former has cherry blossoms in full bloom on its body that reflects the trademark of Sakura Panda, Matsuzakaya Department Store’s mascot character and the latter is all hand painted by Ayako Takagi. Those who have challenges to win in the future, don’t miss them! New Year Event “ENGIMONO” @ “UENO Ga, Suki.” Station Period: January 2nd (Tue) – January 9th (Tue), 2018 Place: Matsuzakaya Ueno Store B1F (PARCO_ya side) Business Hours: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Depends on Matsuzakaya Ueno Store’s operation) TEL 03-3832-1111
NEW ARRIVAL: MR.DUMP & HELLO! Our newbies, Mr. Dump and Hello have made their debut in 2 colors at STUDIO UAMOU! We named these new colors “Japanese Gold” and “Japanese Navy” since they reminds us of natural mineral pigments that Japanese artist have applied to their artworks. They have pearly shine that don’t let them just be “quiet and subdued” colors! Classic Uamou, Fortune Uamou, Bastard are available in same colors as well! Japanese Gold and Japanese Navy are now on sale both at our atelier shop and our online shop! Mr. DUMP: A goof fairy wizard who fails whatever he does. His wings look just like those of a fly and that is the lovely feature of him. Lives on the Robot Planet, on which Bastard lives. HELLO: Originally a paper bag fallen on the roadside. He was animated by Mr. Dump’s magic to be his friend. #mrdumpandhello #uamou #sofubi #ミスターダンプ #ハロー #ミスターダンプアンドハロー #ウアモウ #ソフビ
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