WOODEN CHICKEN COASTERS! During the upcoming live performance of “Coloured Chicken Makers” (CCM) at Akasaka Graffiti a special series of wooden Chicken Coasters will be sold! Designed by Ayako Takagi and made by NOCRA (located at 2k540 near our studio), these cute little chicks come in a variety of expressions and woodgrains. The adorable set of coasters will be made available prior to the CCM live show on March 18th (Sat). 『Coloured Chicken Makers』(CCM)のライブ会場にて販売される『ひよこコースター』のデザインをSTUDIO UAMOUの高木綾子が手がけました! STUDIO UAMOUと同様、2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN内にある『NOCRA』が製造を担当。STUDIO UAMOUでの販売に先駆け、3/18(土)赤坂グラフィティにて開催されるCCMライブで先行発売されます!
WOODEN CHICKEN COASTERS! During the upcoming live performance of “Coloured Chicken Makers” (CCM) at Akasaka Graffiti a special series of wooden Chicken Coasters will be sold! Designed by Ayako Takagi and made by NOCRA (located at 2k540 near our studio), these cute little chicks come in a variety of expressions and woodgrains. The adorable set of coasters will be made available prior to the CCM live show on March 18th (Sat). 『Coloured Chicken Makers』(CCM)のライブ会場にて販売される『ひよこコースター』のデザインをSTUDIO UAMOUの高木綾子が手がけました! STUDIO UAMOUと同様、2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN内にある『NOCRA』が製造を担当。STUDIO UAMOUでの販売に先駆け、3/18(土)赤坂グラフィティにて開催されるCCMライブで先行発売されます!