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Just one more chapter!

After many adventures it can be sometimes refreshing to delve into a stack of books, turning over pages at an increasing rate and be immersed in a world you could have never imagined. Meet Book Uamou!

Celebrate world literature with us at Sanseido’s “Ichinoichi” select shop! People who shop for books at Seibu Ikebukuro will be able to find this cute little series of Uamou who likes to just tear through an endless pile of books sometimes even forgetting which ones he had already read! The Sanseido exclusive Book Uamou is available in Gold, Metallic Red and Metallic green and each single one is reading something different!

There is a lot explore at the “Ichinoichi” Select Shop and among the many specialty items you will find a corner dedicated to Uamou as well! If you are a collector you might want to take note that from time to time we will be secretly releasing rare and unreleased limited edition items in our little Uamou corner, so you never know what you might come across at Sanseido!


Sanseido Bookstore Seibu Ikebukuro

10:00 to 22:00

Toshima-ku, Tokyo Minami-ikebukuro 1-28-1
Third floor Seibu Ikebukuro Building.

TEL: 03 (6864) 8900


三省堂書店限定 ブックウアモウ




三省堂書店 西武池袋本店 特設サイト

三省堂書店 西武池袋本店
西武池袋本店 書籍館3階
電話番号 03(6864)8900
営業時間 10:00-22:00
定休日 年中無休(元日を除く)
アクセス JR・各私鉄・地下鉄 池袋駅直結