After releasing the GID version Calico Cat Fortune Uamou as a special Uamou that you can obtain by completing our customer point card, we released the white edition of Calico Cat Fortune Uamou during the Real Head Life event last month. Due to popular demand we have decided to sell a limited run of White Calico Fortune cat Uamou in the store as well.
Calico Cats are known for the white coat which is decorated with with patches of two other colors (often, the two other colors are orange tabby and black). The Calico Cat Fortune Uamou was created in the image of this pattern. Hand painted my Master Goto each and every Fortune Uamou is truly unique.
Find Calico Fortune Uamou in our Atelier Shop or look for them on the UAMOU ONLINE SHOP today!
リアルヘッドライフイベント会場で先行販売した「三毛猫フォーチュンウアモウ」が本日からSTUDIO UAMOUにて販売スタート!後藤彩色所の後藤さん彩色です。(*手作業のため、彩色には個体差がございます。)