We already released Rainbow Series in Classic Uamou, Bastard, and Fortune Uamou. But wait, are we missing someone important…?
Yes! Boo has officially become a member of Clear Rainbow Series! Now we feel the series is complete!
Boo has the smallest body in the series but has beautifully layered colours on it as others do!
Clear Rainbow Boo will be available at our atelier shop from August 5th, the first day of 2k540 Summer Festival! It will be available at online shop soon so please stay tuned!
レインボーおばけちゃん ソロデビュー!
スタジオウアモウ店舗では今週末に控える2k540の夏祭りにて販売開始いたします! 通販は月曜日以降の開始を予定しております。(夏祭り中の売れ行きによってはもっと遅くなる可能性もございます。)