After the release of Turquoise Big Uamou, it is our pleasure to finally announce that our regular soft-vynil series will be available in this fantastic color as well.
Even though unknown to Japan until the 18th century, the pastel shades of turquoise have endeared many cultures throughout the ages. From the ancient Egyptians and the pre-columbian Aztecs to the introduction in Europe among other silk-road curiosities, the gemstone has been regarded as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman.
Even though we make our items in soft vinyl, we hope that this color-way will be a bringer of good fortune all the same. Find the Turquoise Uamou series today in our Atelier Shop and Online Store!
12月の誕生石としても有名なターコイズ(和名:トルコ石 )は、紀元前5000年の昔から宝飾品として、あるいは魔除けや幸運をもたらすお守りとして、人々に愛され奉られてきました。