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Early last month we have opened the “NOSTALGIE” Exhibition at Yamanekoken in Ogose, Saitama Prefecture.”NOSTALGIE” is a collaboration exhibition between Ayako Takagi and Mai Nagamoto exhibiting painted works and customised figures that were born from a sense of nostalgia.

Today we are having a closer look at the series of customised figures by Ayako Takagi which were created especially for the exhibition. 50 collectibles have been playfully decorated with colour pencil to invoke happy memories of a childhood past. Wether it be Cats, Pizza or simply en expression of the love for toys, this series clearly reflects the things that are held dear by its creator.

Yamanekoken might be a tiny bit remote from the center of Tokyo but it will definitely be rewarding for all who will make the effort to travel to the exhibition. Enjoying art, music and the excellent food served by the owner, all within the peaceful embrace of the mountain forest will make for a trip not easily forgotten.

“Nostalgie”, as the title implies, exhibits painted works and customised figures that were born from a sense of nostalgia. Ayako Takagi has created a vast body work using coloured pencils and crayons to invoke memories of a childhood passed. A set of 50 customised soft vinyl figures, including two Big Uamou Figures, will be displayed along-side well over 30 drawings especially created for the exhibition. Mai Nagamoto has customised a Big Uamou as well which will be displayed along a selection of new painted works and a small run of hand-made ”Yamanekomou” statuettes.

It might be a tiny bit remote from the center of Tokyo but it will definitely be rewarding for all who will make the effort to travel to Yamanekoken. Enjoying art, music and the excellent food served by the owner, all within the peaceful embrace of the mountain forest will make for a trip not easily forgotten.

Keep an eye on these pages as we will slowly introduce more work that will be featured on the”Nostalgie” exhibition.



Exploring the works of Ayako Takagi and Mai Nagamoto
Admission: free


Open on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
11:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM (13 september open until 6:00 PM)

Saitama Prefecture, Iruma-gun
Ogose Ryu~ketani 137-5

TEL 049-292-3981

admission free








2015年 9月4日(金)~10月25日(日)
ギャラリィ&カフェ 山猫軒

営業日:金・土・日・祝日 / 11:00AM ~ 7:00PM


TEL 049-292-3981


入場無料 駐車場有り