As per tradition, POPBOX will celebrate the coming of the new year in Fukuoka!
Find the pop culture bazaar that is POPBOX at the Tenjin Loft, which faces a huge shopping streets in Fukuoka city! Studio Uamou will participate again with the POPBOX exclusive Star Uamou and Graffiti Uamou! The Star Uamou series is hand-painted by Ayako Takagi and the Graffiti Uamou series is painted by Master Goto.
POPBOX is an art bazaar event held regularly at the Loft stores in Japan, a chain department store that sells a wide variety of items for everyday life. During POPBOX, selected artists and creators are approached to participate by exhibiting their work to the public. Popbox is widely known for its exhibitions and live performances by turning a section of the department store into a popculture bazaar.
Period: December 27th (Wed), 2017 – January 14 (Sun), 2018
Venue: Tenjin Loft, 1F Loft Market
Address: 4-9-25, Watanabe-dori Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City
STUDIO UAMOUでご好評をいただいている定番商品に加え、POPBOX限定の『STAR UAMOU』シリーズや『グラフィティUAMOU』シリーズなど販売いたします。
天神ロフト POPBOX
会期:2017年12月27日(水) – 2018年1月14日(日)
会場:天神ロフト 1階 ロフトマーケット
住所:〒810-0004 福岡県福岡市中央区渡辺通4-9-25