UAMOU Exhibition “KITSUNE”
会期:2018年10月19日(金) – 10月31日(水) / 11:00 – 21:00
会場:FEWMANY 銀座ロフト店
銀座ベルビア館 6階
We’re proudly announce another exhibition “KITSUNE” which is held simultaneously with the “TRICK and TREAT” exhibition started last week. While prior one’s theme is the foreign culture “Halloween”, this exhibition is of Japan.
As the title shows, Uamou turn out to be “Oinari-Sama” well known as the god of foxes (= 狐/kitsune) in Shinto who is believed to bring huge harvest, appear 3 sizes with various faces on but not only them you can also find Hyottoko and Okame who are comical characters in Folk Kagura and the heroes from 3 famous Kabuki plays. Their makeups were all done by Ayako Takagi herself.
We hope you would come to the gallery and enjoy the beauty of Japanese culture.
UAMOU Exhibition “KITSUNE”
Period: October 19th (Fri) – October 31st (Wed), 2018 / 11:00 – 21:00
Venue: FEWMANY Ginza Loft Store
Address:6F Ginza Velvia-kan, 2-4-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061