The United Kingdom is getting ready again for TOYCON UK where you are sure to find many exclusives. Studio Uamou participates as well and in collaboration with Ko-re Ko-re we have created an exclusive series of Matte Black Uamou hand-painted by Ayako Takagi!
ToyCon UK is the UK’s only dedicated designer toy convention. With exhibitors ranging from the UK’s best customisers, retailers and toy producers, the event will create a unique opportunity to meet and interact with the stars in this growing scene. Along with the amazing exhibitors and their incredible ware, there will be talks, question sessions and custom workshops with the biggest and brightest in the UK toy scene and beyond.
ToyConUK – The UK’s First Designer Toy Convention
Saturday 25th April 2015
York Hall, 5 Old Ford Rd
London, E2 9PJ
TOYCON UK 限定 マットブラックUAMOU!
今年もロンドンでToyCon UKが開催されます。
マットブラック彩色のソフビに1点1点ハンドドローイングを施したToyCon UK限定のUAMOUが登場します!
ToyCon UKはイギリスで開催される唯一のトイコンベンションです。
STUDIO UAMOUはKORE KOREとのコアボレーション作品を発表します。
TOYCON UK – The UK’s First Designer Toy Convention
開催日:2015年 4月 25日
York Hall, 5 Old Ford Rd
London, E2 9PJ