UAMOU is a pure hearted alien boy from a planet far, far away. When he crashes his ship on a mysterious unknown planet he feels helpless and alone, worried that he might never be able to go back to his home. This is where Uamou’s journey into the deep and the unknown starts.
UAMOU FROM ANOTHER PLANET is wonderfully illustrated by Ayako Takagi and tells its captivating story with images rather than words. A while back we released the first volume of UAMOU FROM ANOTHER PLANET on the Japanese iTunes store and we are happy to announce that it is now available on Amazon as well for Kindle owners. Unfortunately you need to have Japanese accounts to be able to download the UAMOU comic as it is not yet available on international market places.
For those who prefer to store their comics on the physical book shelve or those who are not able to purchase the digital comic we would like to inform that the printed version of the comic is available on our Online Store as well.
kindle / iBooks 配信スタート!!
ピュアなハートをもった宇宙人「ウアモウ」は、絵本「Uamou From Another Planet (-遠い星からやってきたウアモウ-)」の主人公。ぷにぷにの真っ白な体につぶらな瞳。ツノのような耳はアンテナの役割でテレパシーで会話をします。
2012年1月23日から配信されているデジタル本「UAMOU FROM ANOTHER PLANET」 for iPad iTunes store
開発: Sony Digital Entertainment Services Inc.
またUAMOU オンラインショップでは絵本も販売中です!! UAMOU ONLINE SHOP