Designed by Ayako Takagi and hand-crafted by her father, the collection of Uamou Jewellery is timeless and elegant. All pieces are made in rhodium plated silver. The Necklace is decorated with Ruby and Saphire Eyes and the ring features two black diamonds. Made in Japan, these items come forth out of decades of craftsmanship and will make for an elegant gift or tasteful accessory on any occasion.
Minoru Takagi (Papamou) is a jewellery artisan and besides assembling all of our bag straps, keychains and even setting the eyes of every single Uamou soft vinyl character, he has also made a collection of Uamou jewellery consisting out of diamond and zircon set silver brooches, necklaces and rings. We will offer some of these items on our soon-to-be-renewed shop page but until that time we take online orders via mail at
UAMOU ジュエリーコレクション
UAMOU ジュエリーコレクションはすべてロジウムメッキの加工が施されています。
お支払い方法: 代金引換え(手数料350円)送料:一律600円
Photography by Michael Holmes.