製作はSTUDIO UAMOUと同じく2k540に店舗を構えるnocraが担当しました。
STUDIO UAMOU店舗 および UAMOU ONLINE SHOPにて、いずれも極少数限定でのお取り扱いです!
north(北の) + craft(クラフト) = nocra(ノクラ)
nocra website
Wooden fans with natural wood grain are now available in two sizes!
Each has laser-carved art on one side.
The large one features a pattern of UAMOU and Boo alternately lined up.
The small one has a newly drawn UAMOU and Boo chilling.
The fan part is made of thinly carved maple and is lighter than its appearance would suggest.
In contrast, the handle made of birch has a moderate thickness and is smoothly processed for a comfortable grip.
The production was handled by nocra*, which has a store at 2k540 as well as STUDIO UAMOU.
Wooden Uchiwa is now available at STUDIO UAMOU store and UAMOU ONLINE SHOP, both in very limited quantities!
north+craft =nocra
Nocra is a shop specializing in a wide variety of wooden goods such as dishes, stationary, and practically everything for the interior located at 2k540 near our store. All their items are made at their own studios. If you come around, don’t forget to say hello to them too!