コロナ禍に原材料費の値上げなど、様々な情勢が取り巻く今、STUDIO UAMOUと隣り合わせの遊食家Booも決して楽観できない状況が続いております。そこで皆様からのお力添えを賜りたく、『遊食家Boo応援企画』を立ち上げました!
普段は遊食家Booでご飲食された方だけが購入できる「まんぷくウアモウ」を、特別にSTUDIO UAMOU店舗およびUAMOU ONLINE SHOPにて販売し、その売上の80%を遊食家Booに還元します。
今回ご用意しましたのは、コットンキャンディースカイ(2,700円)、オクトーバー、グラスフェッド(各2,500円)のまんぷくウアモウ。STUDIO UAMOUがこの1年間に販売したシリーズより、マットな質感の3種をピックアップしました!
The long-term pandemic, price hikes for ingredients, and many other unacceptable situations surround us. The restaurant industry is said to be one of the hardest-hit ones, and the same is true for Yuusyokuya Boo. In this regard, we have launched the “Yuusyokuya Boo Support Project” to beg for your support.
The “Manpuku Uamou” they sell is usually only available for purchase by those who enjoy meals at Yuusyokuya Boo. We came up with the idea to sell special Manpuku Uamou and sell them at STUDIO UAMOU and our online shop. We can’t deliver their food, but if it comes to ship figures, that’s our specialty! Yuusyokuya Boo will gain 80% of the sale.
As colorways, we picked up three matte finish ones from the series we sold over the past year. Cotton Candy Sky is for 2,700 JPY per piece, October and Grass-Fed for 2,500 JPY each.
The timing of the next event has not yet been determined, but a second project to sell another colorful Manpuku Uamou is also keenly underway.
Last but not least, on behalf of Yuusyokuya Boo, we would like to thank you for your continued generosity to the restaurant, especially during these challenging times. We would greatly appreciate your warm support.