Back in 2013, Studio Uamou was part of a group exhibition named “Monsters from the Island: Kaiju” presented by Clutter Magazine and curated by Monster Island NYC. For the show, Studio Uamou created a very special edition of Uamou Bubble Monsters and it was an honour to be featured along many other talented artists during this super amazing Kaiju show.
It took a while, but clutter magazine has recently released a catalog of the exhibition and we think it is totally rad! Embedded below is the digital version of the catalog for your viewing pleasure or you can download the full size version right HERE
Monsters from the Island: Kaiju
CLutter Gallery
March 9th – April 6th 2013.
163 Main Street, Beacon, NY
” MONSTERS FROM THE ISLAND: KAIJU” エキシビションカタログがリリース!
2013年にClutter MagazineとMonster Island NYC主催にて開催されたグループ展示 “Monsters from the Island: Kaiju” のエキシビションカタログがリリースされました!
Monsters from the Island: Kaiju
CLutter Gallery
March 9th – April 6th 2013.
163 Main Street, Beacon, NY