During hot summer like this, it’s important to keep cold drink aside to avoid dehydration. And here is the best item to save your laptop or an important document from condensation forms on the cup!
Thanks to NOCRA’s cooperation again, we can produce wooden coaster of Uamou and Boo! Not only as a coaster, but you can also put it on the wall as a decoration.
Uamou and Boo coasters are available in oak and walnut, and you can get them at our atelier shop now!
Nocra is a shop specialised in a wide variety of wooden goods such as dishes, stationary and practically everything for the interior located at 2k540 near our studio. All their items are made at their own studios. If you come around, don’t forget to say hello to them too!
いよいよ暑さも本格化し、飲み物が手放せない季節の到来です! でも冷えたコップやグラスを机に置くと、気になるのがグラスの下に溜まる水滴ですよね。
今回も、STUDIO UAMOUと同様、2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN内にある『NOCRA』が製造を担当。楢・ウォルナットをレーザーで加工いたしました!
スタジオ ウアモウ店舗とオンラインショップにて販売中です!
NORTH(北の) + CRAFT(クラフト) = NOCRA(ノクラ)